I never paid anyone for companionship, though of course if I did, it came in other forms like a trip to the Japanese restaurant or a piece of sexy T-shirt in the department store. And it would have to be a close friend, another girl and not a guy! But of course it's because I'm a woman. Men would most likely pay, especially if we're talking escort service. That doesn't mean all escort agencies employ women. Generally, there's more women employed than men, and if there's a mix of gender in a particular escort agency, it's rare.
Escort services are legal, they are taxed, and usually they are built with the help of a high risk merchant account provider. The case of fraud involved in the escort service business is due mainly to the fact that it's being advertised and transacted online. Offline, an escort may cheat on a client by pretending she needed to take something back from the car as soon as she gets paid. And then disappear. Online, a client may arrange for an escort service to be scheduled when he visits the town, but get ripped by credit card hackers.
That's why the help of a high risk merchant account provider is indispensable. A good one will have an efficient payment gateway system and a host of anti-fraud tools that prevent credit card hacking. Operators of an escort service who have a huge clientèle base will also find great benefit in the flexible accounting methods such as daily/weekly/monthly statement reporting and affiliate program management.
Who Says Escort Services Don't Need High Risk Merchant Accounts?
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